Anna Ivey Consulting

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Finding Your Voice

Some nice feedback on working with our consultant Greg, from an applicant headed to a T14 law school:

Greg, I am absolutely delighted to let you know that I have been accepted at _________  [T14 law school]!! It is honestly a dream come true for me.  _______ was a reach school for me, as I fell right along the median for GPA, but slightly below for the LSAT. Without stellar “softs” and as someone who had to retake the LSAT, __________ would for most people have seemed like a long shot. But then again, as Ivey Consulting has taught me, the application process is much more than just two numbers. It’s about telling your story.

Looking back I wanted to express my appreciation on two particular items. The first involves the writing and helping me find my “voice”. This is something that I found particularly difficult, since following college I found myself unaccustomed to writing in the first person. Your help and edits allowed me to find my voice and to tell my story in the most effective manner.

Secondly, I would also like to express my thanks for the service as a whole. Ivey Consulting was extremely professional with not only their quick turn around times but also their assistance. I remember having talked to you for not only the essay, but also received advice on how to address the multiple LSAT question.

It has been a very interesting journey and I appreciate having the support and assistance from Ivey Consulting along this process. Please let me know if you ever receive an inquiry from my alma mater. I would be more than happy to be a point of reference.