Law School

Out After Curfew — Do You Have to Disclose?

Out After Curfew — Do You Have to Disclose?

Three days before my 18th birthday, I was caught being out at night after curfew. There was no drinking or anything like that involved. The police made me wait for my parents to come get me, same with my friends. The told me they were giving me a warning, but I never received any type of documentation so was led to believe it was verbal. I was also under the impression that since I was turning 18 in three days, that warning would be taken from my record anyway. Is this something that needs to be disclosed on my law school applications?

The Class You Should Definitely Not Miss in Law School

The Class You Should Definitely Not Miss in Law School

This week has been a big one for law geeks and aspiring lawyers. The Supreme Court affirmed in one case that federal anti-discrimination laws also protect gay and trans people, and in another that the administration can't end DACA (for now). The DACA case in particular reminds me how important one particular class was in law school, because it keeps coming up in the most interesting Supreme Court cases.