One of the Best Investments I Could Have Made

As a first-time applicant and full-time employee, I needed to be sure I was putting my best foot forward to make an excellent impression to the top schools I applied to. The admission cycle can be a daunting process, but I never felt overwhelmed thanks to the insightful help I received from Ada.

I received tailored advice on numerous aspects of my applications: my academic prospects, essays, law school application forms and bonus materials. Ada was incredibly responsive to all my questions on the application process and helped to review all of my application components. Her strategic direction allowed me to save time and her critiques gave me confidence that I submitted the best application possible.

I couldn’t imagine going through this process again without the wonderful help I received from Ada. As a result, I received an offer from a top school with a massive scholarship that will help me launch my career with confidence and financial security. I truly believe this is one of the best investments I could have made for my career.