How To Use Practice Tests In Your LSAT Prep

Today’s advice comes from our friends at Blueprint LSAT Prep. Blueprint students can enroll in live LSAT prep classes throughout the country, online LSAT courses from the comfort of their own home, or self-study with Blueprint’s new Logic Games book

Practice tests are (and should be) an important component of any LSAT study schedule, but they’re also commonly misused.

Anna's Law School Application Workshops

Are you a natural-born test taker? No? Then you and I are birds of a feather. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth when I took the LSAT, and I'm glad I don't have to take that sucker ever again. I leave LSAT prep in the capable hands of Blueprint, with whom I'm teaming up to provide law school application workshops throughout August (three in California, one in New York, and one in DC).

Welcome David, a New Addition to Our College Admissions Team

Please say hello to David Jewett, a new addition to our college admissions team. David most recently served as an admissions officer at Tufts and has also taught in the Boston Public Schools. He majored in Earth and Planetary Sciences as an undergrad at Harvard (smartypants, I mean really), and outside of work loves theater, carpentry, and sailing. Welcome, David!

Learn more about David here

My Dad's Been Deported — Should I Attach Documentation to My GPA Addendum?

Hi Anna, During my sophomore year my dad was arrested by the United States immigration and deported which affected my focus and therefore my gpa during that period. I wrote about this in a gpa addendum, should I also try to get a letter from ICE if possible as proof of his deportation, for admission to the bar? Or is it not necessary?

I'm sorry to hear about your dad.

Order Your Academic Summary Report Now

I've been talking to big groups of law school applicants recently, and when I ask for a show of hands to find out how many people already have their Academic Summary Reports, very few hands go up. Sometimes none.

So today's post is in the spirit of a public service announcement: Send your transcripts to LSAC now so that they can process your Academic Summary Report sooner rather than later.

That's for a couple of reasons:<!

Law School Waitlists and Holds

Around this time of year, many applicants have been hearing back from law schools. While a final decision is usually welcome (even a rejection eliminates the frustration of waiting...), there are some situations where a school's response does nothing but add to your uncertainty.

Typically, these "limbo" responses from schools fall into two categories: waitlists and holds.